
Careers information, education, advice and guidance forms a pivotal part of ensuring pupils leave school with the right tools and values needed to help build their futures. At Future Education, we encourage students to consider their future options. We want them to realise their potential and decide how their skills and experiences can fit in the job market. We engage pupils hobbies and vocational interests through our alternative provision offer which can equip students to build confidence and develop tools to use in the workplace.

Careers Advice

All students are interviewed across year 9 to year 11 throughout the academic year. Our careers strategy is broadly influenced by our PSHE delivery and is also integrated across all subjects across the curriculum. The Future Education provider access policy and careers policy can be downloaded in the policy section of our website. Future Education work alongside Norfolk County Council Education Health and Care Plan coordinators, to ensure that the correct support and transition package is in place for our pupils. We believe all young people with special education needs and disabilities are capable of attaining employment and further education with the right preparation and support.

Gatsby Benchmarks

To measure and assess our careers programme, we use the compass evaluation toolkit and SEND Gatsby benchmark toolkit. We review the information on this page every September. The 8 Gatsby benchmarks are:

• A stable careers programme

• Learning from career and labour market information

• Addressing the needs of each pupil

• Linking curriculum learning to careers

• Encounters with Employees and employers

• Experience of workplaces

• Encounters with further and higher education

• Personal guidance

Post-16 Destinations

We encourage students to follow their preferred destination. This could be to continue with education or employment, training or living independently. We are committed to our strategic obligation to provide a holistic careers service to all Future Education students and to highlight all vocational and academic routes available to their preferred careers path.

We are pleased that the majority of our graduates from the 2022/2023 year have found work, further education or achieved independent living.

We have helped our 2022/2023 pupils find placements at range of colleges and training providers including:  City College Norwich, Easton College, East Coast College, Lowestoft Sixth Form College, Poultec Training and Action Community Enterprises. Some of our students have also gone onto full time employment or been able to access independent living support packages provided by ALPA inclusion.

We continue to support all our students to find positive post 16 destinations. If you would like to book an appointment with the schools careers adviser please email:

We engage with a range of employers throughout the year which can be found on the school calendar. Careers box videos are also used to provide information about work experience and a range of different employment pathways. For more information visit Careers Box

To view all the careers topics we cover across our year groups, please see our Careers Info Sheet

To view our Careers Policy, please see our Careers Policy